Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Over the past four years, I've never been excited to go to advisement. Although the late start is a great incentive to make the day great, all of its other aspects have no interest to me. First, all of the class times are off and it's impossible to remember when you get out of class. Sure classes are shorter, but you can tell teachers struggle to get something productive done within that hour. Lunches are later, and my stomach gets ready for food at the same time and then boom! Wednesday, I can hear it growling in the later third and fourth periods. Also, the friends I used to get to see during advisement have all succumbed themselves to PSEO, and I never get to see them. So here I sit in the semi-quiet surroundings of Mrs. Ambrose's room. Working on homework, and like today, blogging, is the only way to make it through.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

dad's birthday

Today's date is November 29th, 2011.
That means that 48 years ago,
James Victor Olson was born.
(aka dad)
My father is your typical,
football-and-golf-loving man.
All of my greatest memories,
include him by my side.
His quick wit and hearty laugh at his own jokes
makes the whole room brighter.
He's stubborn, like all dads are,
but has that teddy-bear under layer that sneaks out
every so often.
Today being in the "Thanksgiving season",
I know he is one of the things I am most thankful for.
So for my dad
I wish
a mountain of Twizzlers and Diet Coke,
(his favorites)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Writing groups take four!

Today was the first writing group of our fourth, and final paper. The film critique was written off for me and many others as a seemingly easy paper. However over break, when I began to examine my movie I noticed that it was completely overlooked.

With a tough plot, my film proved difficult to put what I saw on screen down into words. It is such a fabulous and odd piece of art, unlike anything I had ever seen before... It was hard to know where to begin.

Once again, in my writing group I found some clarity on the paper. And now that I've been working on it since I've gotten home from school, I have taken my jumbled paper and really am beginning to turn it into something I am proud of!

The little things. (11-27-11)

People always say that it's the little things that make life enjoyable. I've come up with a two hidden gems in life that make me smile. The first being the perfect hug. Which consists of an embrace that isn't too short, but ends before it reaches that awkward hug stage of "let go of me!". Finding that balance. Another would be the mornings I spent at the bus stop, before the sun has risen. During the winter I would get there first and watch the shining snowflakes dance down from sky, glittering in the light of a lamppost. That feeling of being stuck inside a snow globe. Moments like these can make any day brighter.

be thankful. (11-26-11)

Since it's that time of the year, I thought I would make a list of things I am thankful for. This list includes, but is not limited to:
2. Cough drops
3. College acceptance letters
4. Down comforters
5. Take-out Chinese food
6. My dad (his birthday is tomorrow!)
7. My crazy little Molly
8. Finishing books
9. Big decisions ahead
10. Upcoming winter break
11. The comforts of my home
12. Heart-to-heart conversations
13. 2 more tris of high school
15. Life

Black Friday (11-25-11)

Instead of joining the masses and waking up at midnight to go shop, I slept comfortably though the night. And my Friday night consisted of something better than saving 40%. A few of my closest girls on the swim team decided to celebrate. One being it was Abby's 18th birthday! And the other was for Sheng, who is moving to California in a matter of days... it was a combination of happy/sad that really made a memorable night.

One thing that stood out to me the most was how much I was going to miss Sheng. She had swam in my lane the past two years, and I knew I would miss her, but I didn't think this much. I think the majority of what makes me sad is the fact that I'm scared to say goodbye to this one friend... and in a matter of months, I will be saying goodbye to all of them.

T-DAY (11-24-11)

Thanksgiving, a holiday of eating and family. But not eating family, "and" is the key word here. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It's the fourth longest break we get behind Summer, Christmas, and Easter, so time off from school is definitely a plus. Thanksgiving day is always spent with my mom's side of the family. Which is a large collaboration of women that love to talk, and men that love to watch football. Perfect. This year it was at my house, and filled with great memories. My favorite part is the walk we all take after eating way too much. It makes us feel better after all of the calories we just had.