Monday, November 28, 2011

social networking. (11-23-11)

Although I am a user of both Facebook and Twitter, when you take a step back and look at the changes in the way we communicate now versus ten years ago... it amazes me. Phone numbers have changed to profiles and Twitter names, and even though the sites are fun, providing a great source of entertainment (as well as distractions) a part of me misses calling people on their home phone. I used to have my best friend's numbers memorized, ready at any moment to call and ask if they could "play". Maybe a part of that is just missing my childhood, but it's just taken such a spin to where things are now. Instead of looking someone up in the phone book, I could now log onto Twitter and check out the "tweets" from the people I "follow" on my "homepage". And instead calling Erin like I used to, asking for her when her mom or dad answered, now all it would look something like this: @Erin_Baumgarten wanna hang 2nite? #boredouttamymind. I mean it sure is fun, but trying to express your thoughts in 160 characters of less seems more cave-man like.

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