Sunday, October 9, 2011


10 facts about me:
1. I have a younger sister Molly and when I try to tell people that she is the loud one... they don't believe me.
2. On Easter in eighth grade I went parasailing over the Pacific ocean; my family was in Mexico for spring break.
3. My middle name is Herzog; it's my mom's maiden name.
4. I have a scar above my left eyebrow from when I was in first grade. I was trying to teach my neighbor Tanner how to swing a baseball bat and he accidentally hit me with the wooden baseball bat.
5. My favorite place in the world is the Boundary Waters, but I have only spent a total of two weeks there.
6. I am a big dog lover, but both of my parents are allergic to them so I've never had one. Once I have my own place I want to get a chocolate Labrador.
7. Although we didn't have a dog, my sister and I had two hamsters when we were younger that ended up having seven babies. We were told originally that they were both boys.
8. Every time I clean my room, I end up re-arranging the furniture.
9. My favorite television show is The Office. I own every season and have seen every episode twice. I also am obsessed with Lost and Mad Men.
10. In the future I hope to have a career where I can travel all over the world. I want to see everything.

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