Wednesday, October 12, 2011

senior night

Last night we had one of our last swim meets versus Elk River. As a senior I would be honored before the meet with a presentation by the juniors and also receive my senior gifts. The previous year, I had been a junior. I remembered all of the time I put into senior night for the girls that graduated last year, how fun it had turned out to be. My normal pre-meet nerves had been replaced with excitement. For the past four seasons I had watched the seniors in admiration. Tonight was my night. I gracefully accepted my gift as they spoke about my favorite memories from the team and plans for the future. It hit me just then how much I was going to miss this. Champlin Park Girl's Swim and Dive Team. Sure I complained about hard practices and how exhausted I was... and let's not forget the constant smell of chlorine that I had in my hair for four months out of every year, but these girls were who I would I miss. This was such a huge part of my life. The rest of the swim meet I cheered extra loud, reminding myself I wouldn't be here next year. I swam extra hard in my races as well, earning a personal record for the season in my favorite event, the 100 yard breastroke. It ended up being my favorite swim meet of the season by far.

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