Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Ten years and two days ago marks anniversary of 9/11. Yes, I know I already posted about September 11th, but today I was thinking about how America went into a war and all of the people that stood up to fight for our country. In some countries every young person must serve two years of military service. But the question is: Should we have a similar policy in the United States? It's a debateable topic, and I'm not sure if there is a right opinion, but I know my opinion.

Patriotism is important, so is nationalism and militarism, but I don't think the United States should install a policy that requires everyone to be a part of the military. The first reason being, America is the land of the free. By forcing everyone to participate in the military, you are taking away their independence. Also by having everyone join, you are forgetting that a lot of people are against wars. Fighting might be against their religion and it would be extremly insensitive to make them fight.

Probably the most important reason why a policy for everyone to serve in the military should not be intalled, is because those who serve choose to serve. I have a great amount of respect for those who defend our country, however I don't think all would possess the same passion for serving America like our men and women in uniforms today.

1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting question and I have to say I agree with you. I especially like the point you made in the last paragraph that if military service was mandatory not everyone would have the same passion as those who choose to serve. Very organized and well written :) You did a good job getting your point across.
