Thursday, September 8, 2011

win me over in five minutes or less...

There is always an awkward moment when it is just you and one other person standing in an elevator, such a confined space for silence... I pressed the button for my floor and turned around. In a matter of a few seconds there were a few details that let me know who this was. The Badger mascot embroidered onto this man's shirt and the multitude of folders that all spelled out the same word on the front, admissions. This was the admissions counselor for the University of Wisconsin Madison. This was my chance to get into the school of my dreams.

The nerves coursed through my veins, anxiety coming over me quickly. I couldn't mess this up. Then the words just stumbled out of me; I heard myself introduce myself to the counselor and then the words coming out of my mouth seemed to be coming from my heart, not my brain.

I just applied to your school, what are the odds? I chose Madison, but why should you choose me? I believe strongly that my presence will enrich the school's community. How do I know this? First off, I am a selfless person. Making people happy and helping others is something that is of my nature. One of my strongest things I live by is helping a "we" before "me". This belief also leads me into my next reason for why I can enrich your school. I am a leader. My entire life I have gotten a jump start on things and pushed to get people moving. It started when I was born a week early, I guess you could say I wanted to get a jump start on life. My personality is outgoing, to say the least, and that has encouraged me to be a leader in the school and my community. I am captain of the swim and dive team as well as the golf team for the past two seasons. Being a good role model is something that I have always strived for and expected in myself. And I was also given the opportunity to increase my volunteering when I became a National Honor Society officer. This expereince in leading large groups of people and learning how to run an organization has given me important knowlege and life skills for college and beyond. One of the life experiences that I owe a lot to is my time spent in the Boundary Waters. In the middle of nowhere you learn a lot about yourself with the silences. I learned how to become independent, but also the importance of working together with others to get things done. Patience and problem solving is what I was taught in the middle of the woods, and this experience has shaped me into who I am. And given the opportunity, I am confident I could shape the Madison into an even greater learning community.


  1. I really love your opening line, it highlights your sense of humor and it made me smile! I also love the line where you wrote about talking from your heart and not your brain, because I think that shows what good character you have and that you are genuine. You highlighted your "brand" very well and I like the variety of traits you talked about. :)

  2. Awesome! I think it was definitely from the heart! That was a great job of portraying your brand. Your personality is certainly outgoing and patient! NHS and the Boundary Waters were good examples to use. You did well in showing that you have an amazing character and I hope Madison accepts you!
