Sunday, September 25, 2011

college applications

Sitting at the kitchen table, I notice that I have over ten tabs open on my computer. Links to my email, my resume, all of my essays, the webistes for the different colleges I'm applying to and iTunes. I always imagined applying to colleges as this very exciting time... and it is, but I never pictured entering my information in thousands of sites. Applying to colleges is exciting, just not actual application part. That has evoked other feelings including anxiety and stress. My mom sitting near me, reading, is laughing at all of my mini panic attacks and exclamations that come out of my mouth every minute. After the long process of entering, and reentering my name and my senior schedule, etc. I press the button that says submit. A huge weight is taken off my shoulder, I've applied. And now that stress is replaced by the anxiety of acceptance.

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